Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Time Traveler's Wife

In honor of Valentine's Day we will be featuring romances over the next week. Although The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger isn't a "genre" romance, it definatly has romance at its center. I think my co-blogger Angstrat recommended this to me, but it took me a while to get to it. Don't be the same fool I was, drop what you are doing AND GO READ THIS BOOK. Henry De Tamble has Chrono Displacement Disorder, which basically means he is an involuntary time travaler. He mostly travels within the scope of his own life, often seeing himself or interacting with himself at a different age. As an adult he begins to travel to Michigan at the time of his wife Claire's childhood, and meets her over and over as she is growing up. Thus when she meet him in "real time" when she is 19, and he is 27, she's met him dozens of times, and he's never seen her before. The book is actually less confusing than this explaination (thank God). The time travel is handled beautifully, which is hard to do (just ask the Star Trek guys) and the story has a very strong Chicago setting. I couldn't love this book more, and my dog, Henry is actually named after the hero. I just hope Niffenegger writes another full length novel soon.


Angie said...

Yep, you should ALWAYS listen to my book recs. :) I loved, loved, loved TTW and the characters of Henry and Clare. Henry the dog is a pretty cute fellow, too! I really should re-read this...RIGHT NOW. Stupid work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I'm often a slow reader but I finished this in two know you like a book when you are praying for a happy ending for the characters...
I'm dreading the will be out in '08 apparently...